Tying Below the Knee: Ankle Rope, Shin Rope, Toe Rope!

Ankle ties - precision and purpose in wrap placement, wrap angling, & knot placement ,3 different structures/positions of single-column ankle ties, tying choices for different purposes, including body position and degree of force, including applications in suspension risks and safety precautions.
Calf & Shin ties - calves as anchor points, risks & safety precautions, including nerves, calf & shin ties for sustainability, comfort, or "torture"
Toe rope - multiple specific toe rope techniques/ties, materials for toe rope & other microbondage, incorporating toe rope into larger rope ties & rope scenes, risks and safety precautions
You can attend this workshop with or without a partner. If you are seeking a workshop partner, there will be an opportunity (though no guarantees) to pair up with someone else at the start of the workshop. Self-tying participants are also welcome. Observers are also welcome. Please tie within your skill level.
If you plan to tie in the workshop, you should know how to tie a Somerville bowline single-column tie, which you can learn here: https://vimeo.com/623775535

Presented By:
Parker & Juniper