Mating in Captivity: Primal Dynamics and Play

Unlock the primal allure of intense connections. While steadily growing more popular as a kink identity and role, little is discussed on the nature of Primal dynamics. Dive into the wild world of primal energy, whether with your mate, pack, prey, or within your own primal essence. Discover the secrets to creating and enhancing authentic primal connections in this interactive workshop. We'll talk about methods for discovering and accepting sides of ourselves that we may feel distant from, and how to set the stage for connection in that raw space. We'll also tackle some of the more practical aspects of negotiation, risk mitigation, consent, etc. Whether you're a newcomer to primal play or a seasoned veteran, this session is tailor-made for you. Gain invaluable insights into negotiation techniques, explore diverse dynamics, and ignite the primal spark that has sparked the interest of erotica enthusiasts everywhere. Don't miss your chance to bring the primal fireworks to your relationships. This session will include a handout with conversation outlines intended to deepen your Primal connections, though you may also wish to bring something to take notes with.

Presented By:
Ember Solaris

Type of workshop: Participation Appreciated