Dudes In Distress Orgy

Do you want to spend the night at an orgy surrounded by beautiful dudes dancing on stripper poles, boys in tears, bois strung up and smacked around, giggling or flexing their gorgeous bodies? Of course, you do! Join us for a sex party and ritual designed to facilitate making new connections, pursuit of sexual liberation, and exaltation of the dudes who submit, the ladies who love them, and the many connections possible in all spaces in between. In this space, Athena Kali will share, teach, and demonstrate the ancient sex party ritual of opening circle. This arcane and secret ritual, handed down to us by our foremothers, brings participants into a liminal space of possibility, power, and transformation, giving each guest a chance to express their secret wishes to the group, and by giving voice to their desires, to fulfill them. Be sure to arrive on time. Fifteen minutes after the start of the event, the doors will be closed to new arrivals. Bring toys and rope, bring outlandish costumes, bring your open hearts. Dudes in Distress is an equal opportunity distress space. Your gender identity is respected here. Dudeliness and ladyness are self-identifiers meant to be claimed, fucked with, discarded, and worn like a crown to subvert the patriarchy and delight in the sublime. Sirs who submit, zirs who switch, bois who fuck boys and dudes who love labias, bitches and bros and misses: you’re all welcome here.

Presented By:
Athena Kali